If we asked different people what their views on firearms were, we could hear very different opinions. There are people who would do without such weapons, there are people who would ban them outright, but there are also those who like weapons and shooting from them and who would prefer to own them all and shoot from them anytime and anywhere..
We humans are simply different, so we have different views on weapons.
If someone does not want to have anything to do with weapons, their wishes will easily come true. Today, our people no longer have to go to war, military service has been abolished, and nowhere else is a person forced to take up arms. Weapons and their use can therefore be avoided.
But what if someone wanted to shoot but didn`t have the chance? What if someone loves firearms but is not able to obtain such a weapon, does not have or cannot directly obtain a firearms license, and they do not take it to the army or the police? Then it should be true that someone like that doesn`t fire a gun in their life.
But it would be an exaggeration to deny people their desires if a similar situation can be solved. Why forbid people from shooting at all times, if there is a way to allow someone to do so and at the same time not endanger anyone or break any laws and regulations?
And so, in fact, it is possible for someone to sometimes fire even weapons that ordinary civilians do not usually have. There is also a Prague gun range, where practically anyone can realize such desires, where everyone can enjoy such hobbies as shooting. And there you just have to order, come and pay. It is all up to the instructor, who will make sure that such a client gets the necessary equipment and equipment and shoots himself safely at a suitable target. And given that English-speaking instructors work here, it is not a problem for foreigners to come here in addition to Czechs.